Organizing Information is a very valuable resource for learning about the aspect of Information Architecture. There are multiple ways approaching the some information on the website. There are two types of Organization Schemes. They are Exact and Ambiguous. Exact is mostly means for more organized on elements and concepts. It's for a easier read and navigation for the website. Ambiguous is mostly on subjective ways in Organizing Information. There are three schemes on the Exact and there are four schemes on the Ambiguous.
- Organization Schemes: Exact
- Alphabetical
- chronological
- Geographical
- Organization Schemes: Ambiguous
- Topic
- Task
- Audience
- Metaphor
For more information: Pjavascript:void(0)urchased the book called Morville, Peter and Louis Rosenfield.Information Architecture for the World Wide Web Designing Large-Scale Web Sites, Third Edition. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media, 2006.